New Testament Tour

These questions are the work of members of the Southern Wisconsin Lutheran Deaf Ministry (LC-MS) a.k.a. World Lutheran Deaf Outreach (LDO)

Welcome to a tour of the New Testament of the Bible!  To get the most from your tour, take your time.  Don't hurry.  Stop along the way, go off the path, look around.  If you have a mentor, ask questions.  You can also email your questions to us.  Enjoy!

Print the lessons and keep them in a 3-ring binder. 

In the Old Testament, God promised to send a Savior.  In the New Testament, we can read that God kept his promise.  Jesus is the Savior. 


The men who wrote the New Testament were Apostles.  They were eye-witnesses to Jesus' life, His teaching, His death and rising to life again.  Some Apostles became missionaries to other countries.


The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels.  The word "gospel" means good news.  The four Gospels tell us what Jesus said and did.   The titles of the four Gospels are the names of the men who wrote the story about Jesus.


The fifth book in the New Testament tells how Jesus gave power to Christians to bring His Good News to the world. 


Those first five books in the New Testament are the history books of the New Testament.


The next 21 books in the New Testament are letters which the Apostles wrote to other Christians.  Those letters teach us important truth about Jesus.  Those letters also guide use in our daily faith and life.


The last book of the New Testament gives us a vision of heaven and the future end of the world.

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Illinois Deaf Lutherans


Lesson 1          Lesson 10          Lesson 19

Lesson 2          Lesson 11          Lesson 20

Lesson 3          Lesson 12          Lesson 21

Lesson 4          Lesson 13          Lesson 22

Lesson 5          Lesson 14          Lesson 23

Lesson 6          Lesson 15          Lesson 24

Lesson 7          Lesson 16          Lesson 25

Lesson 8          Lesson 17

Lesson 9          Lesson 18